Cereals, Pasta and Baked products high in Cholesterol
If you need Cholesterol you can find it in foods like cereals, pasta and baked products. You can for example consume pasta, grains, , or even . Just below you will see the cereals, pasta and baked products that contain the most Cholesterol.
List of Cereals, Pasta and Baked products highest in Cholesterol
- Pasta, egg noodles, spinach, enriched, dry
- Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, spinach, as purchased
- Pasta, made with egg, homemade, cooked
- Pasta, egg noodles, spinach, enriched, cooked
- Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, spinach, cooked
- Pasta, egg noodles, enriched, cooked, salted
- Grains, rice, white with pasta and seasonings, dry
- Per 100g
- 95 mg
- 73 mg
- 41 mg
- 33 mg
- 33 mg
- 29 mg
- 2 mg