Crab, red Composition
Crab composition : All the nutritional information you need to know about Crab, red can be found below :
All the nutrition information of : Crab, red (per 100g)
- Protein
- Fat (total Lipids)
- Carbohydrate, Total (by Difference)
- Calories (energy)
- Alcohol
- Moisture
- Caffeine
- Theobromine
- Energy (kilojoules)
- Sugar, Total
- Fibre, Total Dietary
- Cholesterol
- 15.05 g
- 0.935 g
- 1.43 g
- 79 kCal
- 0 g
- 80.85 g
- 0 mg
- 0 mg
- 330 kJ
- 0 g
- 0 g
- 75.2 mg
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Sodium
- 40.9695 mg
- 27.456 mg
- 190.19 mg
- 255.97 mg
- 360.36 mg
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B9 (folic Acid)