Dairy products and Eggs high in Vitamin B1
Whey, milk or even egg are dairy products and eggs where we can find a high quantity of Vitamin B1 . Vitamin B1 can also be found in cheese, egg benedict, .... The ranking of dairy products and eggs highest in Vitamin B1 is below.
List of Dairy products and Eggs highest in Vitamin B1
- Whey, acid, dry
- Whey, sweet, dry
- Milk, dry, skim, powder, regular
- Egg, chicken, dried, whole, stabilized
- Cheese, gjetost
- Milk, dry whole
- Egg Benedict
- Egg substitute, powder
- Yogourt parfait, with berries and granola
- Egg, duck, whole, fresh, raw
- Cheese, feta
- Dessert topping (non dairy), fat free, Reddi Wip
- Egg, goose, whole, fresh, raw
- Cheese, goat, hard, (less than 35% water, 36% M.F.)
- Egg, chicken, Western omelet, with peppers, onion and...
- Egg, quail, whole, fresh, raw
- Egg substitute, frozen (yolk replaced)
- Egg substitute, frozen (yolk replaced), cooked
- Egg, turkey, whole, fresh, raw
- Egg substitute, liquid
- Milk, condensed, sweetened, canned
- Cheese, limburger
- Cheese, goat, semi-soft, (35% to 55% water, 30% M.F.)
- Egg, chicken, whole, fresh or frozen, raw
- Cheese, goat, soft, (more than 55% water, 21% M.F.)
- Cheese, brie
- Cheese, processed, cheddar, reduced fat
- Yogourt parfait, reduced fat yogourt, with fruit and...
- Egg, chicken, whole, fried
- Milk, fluid, sheep, whole
- Cheese, swiss (emmental)
- Cheese, tilsit, with whole milk
- Yogourt, plain, more than 4% M.F.
- Yogourt, fruit bottom, 2% to 4% M.F.
- Egg, chicken, whole, boiled in shell, hard-cooked
- Cheese, gruyere
- Cheese, processed, cheddar, fat free
- Egg, chicken, whole, scrambled or omelet
- Yogourt, plain, 2% to 4% M.F.
- Egg, chicken, Spanish omelet, with onion, peppers
- Yogourt, stirred or swiss style, plain
- Yogourt, plain, less than 1% M.F.
- Milk, fluid, buttermilk, cultured, 2% M.F.
- Cheese, cheddar, imitation
- Cheese, processed spread, cheddar
- Milk, fluid, goat, enriched, whole
- Kefir
- Yogourt, chocolate, fat free
- Milk, evaporated, whole, canned, undiluted, 7.8% M.F.
- Yogourt, coffee and vanilla flavours, 1.9% M.F.
- Milk, fluid, whole, pasturized, homogenized, 3.3% M.F.
- Cheese, cheshire
- Milk, evaporated, skim, canned, undiluted, 0.2% M.F.
- Milk, fluid, chocolate, partly skimmed, 2% M.F.
- Egg, chicken, omelet, with cheese
- Cheese sauce, homemade
- Yogourt, plain, 1% to 2% M.F.
- Yogourt, fruit, stirred/swiss style
- Yogourt, fruit bottom, 1% to 2% M.F.
- Whey, acid, fluid
- Yogourt, fruit bottom, more than 4% M.F.
- Cheese, cottage, (2% M.F.)
- Milk, fluid, skim with added milk solids
- Cream, sour, fat free
- Cheese, cream, fat free
- Cream, sour, cultured, 14% M.F
- Milk, fluid, partly skimmed with added milk solids, 1%...
- Cheese, roquefort (blue)
- Yogourt, fruit variety, fat free
- Cheese, cream, light
- Chocolate syrup, thin type, whole milk added
- Milk, fluid, chocolate, partly skimmed, 1% M.F.
- Yogourt, fruit bottom, less than 1% M.F.
- Egg, chicken, white, spray dried, powder
- Milk, fluid, chocolate, whole
- Cream, whipped, cream topping, pressurized
- Cheese, romano
- Cheese, edam
- Whey, sweet, fluid
- Cream, cereal (half and half), 10% M.F.
- Chocolate syrup, thin type, 2% M.F. milk added
- Cream, sour, cultured, 18% M.F.
- Egg, chicken, white, pan dried, flakes
- Yogourt, vanilla or lemon flavour, fat free, sweetened...
- Milk, fluid, buttermilk, cultured, 1% M.F.
- Cream, table (coffee), 15% M.F.
- Cheese, cottage, creamed with fruit
- Cream, table (coffee), 18% M.F.
- Cheese, caraway
- Cheese, mozzarella, (52% water, 22.5% M.F.)
- Cheese, gouda
- Cheese, cheddar, imitation, low cholesterol
- Cheese, processed, cheddar, low fat
- Cheese food, imitation
- Cheese, cheddar, reduced fat (18%)
- Cheese, processed food, cheddar
- Cheese, parmesan, dry grated
- Cheese, blue
- Dessert topping (non dairy), powdered, prepared with...
- Cheese, camembert
- Per 100g
- 0.62 mg
- 0.52 mg
- 0.42 mg
- 0.33 mg
- 0.32 mg
- 0.28 mg
- 0.24 mg
- 0.22 mg
- 0.2 mg
- 0.16 mg
- 0.15 mg
- 0.15 mg
- 0.15 mg
- 0.14 mg
- 0.14 mg
- 0.13 mg
- 0.12 mg
- 0.11 mg
- 0.11 mg
- 0.11 mg
- 0.09 mg
- 0.08 mg
- 0.07 mg
- 0.07 mg
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